Leads Direct
Solar Leads / South Dakota / Pennington County

Explore Solar Leads in Pennington County, South Dakota

Every day, we add more Solar Leads so you are always getting the best Solar Leads in Pennington County, South Dakota. In fact, recently we added 54 new Solar Leads in Pennington County, South Dakota. Get started picking the right Solar Leads for you in Pennington County now!
Lead Age Location Home Value Year Sq. Feet Stories Type Utility Bill Provider Shade Roof
7 monthsRAPID CITY, SD$249,93719530Single Family Residential$201-300Montana-Dakota UtilitiesMostly shadedSearch Leads
7 monthsRAPID CITY, SD$88,01320120Mobile/Manufactured Home (regardless of Land ownership)$176-200Rushmore Electric CooperativeFull sunSearch Leads
7 monthsRAPID CITY, SD$359,33119850Single Family Residential$126-150East River Electric CooperativeMostly shadedSearch Leads
7 monthsRAPID CITY, SD$227,66919763,844Mobile/Manufactured Home (regardless of Land ownership)$201-300OtherPartial sunSearch Leads
7 monthsRAPID CITY, SD$190,00719290Single Family Residential$176-200Montana-Dakota UtilitiesPartial sunSearch Leads
7 monthsRAPID CITY, SD$321,08119870Single Family Residential$176-200West River Electric AssociationFull sunSearch Leads
7 monthsRAPID CITY, SD$353,08919640Single Family Residential$126-150Montana-Dakota UtilitiesPartial sunSearch Leads
7 monthsNEW UNDERWOOD, SD$330,92720010Single Family Residential$176-200West River Electric AssociationPartial sunSearch Leads
7 monthsRAPID CITY, SD$245,05519590Single Family Residential$126-150OtherFull sunSearch Leads
7 monthsRAPID CITY, SD$287,42319720Single Family ResidentialSearch Leads

Lead Age: 7 months
Location: RAPID CITY, SD
Home Value: $249,937
Beds: 3
Bath: 1
Year Built: 1953
Square Feet: 0
Utility Bill: $201-300
Utility Provider: Montana-Dakota Utilities
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Shade: Mostly shaded
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 7 months
Location: RAPID CITY, SD
Home Value: $88,013
Year Built: 2012
Square Feet: 0
Utility Bill: $176-200
Utility Provider: Rushmore Electric Cooperative
Home Type: Mobile/Manufactured Home (regardless of Land ownership)
Shade: Full sun
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 7 months
Location: RAPID CITY, SD
Home Value: $359,331
Beds: 4
Bath: 2
Year Built: 1985
Square Feet: 0
Utility Bill: $126-150
Utility Provider: East River Electric Cooperative
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Shade: Mostly shaded
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 7 months
Location: RAPID CITY, SD
Home Value: $227,669
Year Built: 1976
Square Feet: 3,844
Utility Bill: $201-300
Utility Provider: Other
Home Type: Mobile/Manufactured Home (regardless of Land ownership)
Shade: Partial sun
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 7 months
Location: RAPID CITY, SD
Home Value: $190,007
Beds: 2
Bath: 1
Year Built: 1929
Square Feet: 0
Utility Bill: $176-200
Utility Provider: Montana-Dakota Utilities
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Shade: Partial sun
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 7 months
Location: RAPID CITY, SD
Home Value: $321,081
Beds: 3
Bath: 2
Year Built: 1987
Square Feet: 0
Utility Bill: $176-200
Utility Provider: West River Electric Association
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Shade: Full sun
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 7 months
Location: RAPID CITY, SD
Home Value: $353,089
Beds: 4
Bath: 2
Year Built: 1964
Square Feet: 0
Utility Bill: $126-150
Utility Provider: Montana-Dakota Utilities
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Shade: Partial sun
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 7 months
Home Value: $330,927
Beds: 2
Bath: 1
Year Built: 2001
Square Feet: 0
Utility Bill: $176-200
Utility Provider: West River Electric Association
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Shade: Partial sun
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 7 months
Location: RAPID CITY, SD
Home Value: $245,055
Beds: 3
Bath: 1
Year Built: 1959
Square Feet: 0
Utility Bill: $126-150
Utility Provider: Other
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Shade: Full sun
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 7 months
Location: RAPID CITY, SD
Home Value: $287,423
Beds: 3
Bath: 1
Year Built: 1972
Square Feet: 0
Utility Bill:
Utility Provider:
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Roof Material:

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Frequenty Asked Questions About Solar Leads in Pennington County

What cities in Pennington County does Leads Direct offer Solar Leads in?

Leads Direct offers Solar Leads in every city in Pennington County, South Dakota

How fresh are the Pennington County, South Dakota Solar Leads ?

Pennington County, South Dakota Solar Leads are posted 24 hours a day, 7 days per week in real time. For example, when a consumer clicks "submit" on one of our, (or our partner) web pages, the leads are instantly entered into the database. We age the leads on a 24 clock, (not a business day), so a lead that is "new today" will labeled that way until the 24th hour after it was posted.

How are the Pennington County Solar Leads generated?

Pennington County Solar Leads are sourced from our network of web sites as well as through outside affiliates, or via consignment from other lead aggregation web sites. All our leads are consumer contributed internet Solar Leads that include email and phone number 100% of the time.

What kind of closing ratio should I expect?

Closing rate is heavily dependent on the person doing the closing! That said, our clients report back that 10-20% of the leads we provide result in sales in the short term.
Some tips for closers: Call the consumer quickly. Be persistent. Use a leads management system whenever possible, If you haven't gotten in touch with the consumer, put the lead in your tickle file to call in 3 or 4 weeks. Aged leads sometimes close better than new!
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