Leads Direct
Solar Leads / California / San Luis Obispo County

Explore Solar Leads in San Luis Obispo County, California

Every day, we add more Solar Leads so you are always getting the best Solar Leads in San Luis Obispo County, California. In fact, recently we added 27 new Solar Leads in San Luis Obispo County, California. Get started picking the right Solar Leads for you in San Luis Obispo County now!
Lead Age Location Home Value Year Sq. Feet Stories Type Utility Bill Provider Shade Roof
2 weeksLOS OSOS, CA$747,14219677201Single Family ResidentialSearch Leads
2 weeksARROYO GRANDE, CA$744,10019589861Single Family ResidentialSearch Leads
2 weeksCAMBRIA, CA$924,44619631,0021Single Family ResidentialSearch Leads
2 weeksMORRO BAY, CA$955,76119721,6731Single Family ResidentialSearch Leads
2 weeksNIPOMO, CA$735,59019741,855Single Family ResidentialSearch Leads
2 weeksNIPOMO, CA$501,48519631,1401Single Family ResidentialSearch Leads
2 weeksPASO ROBLES, CA$644,29619188951Single Family ResidentialSearch Leads
2 weeksPISMO BEACH, CA$2,181,1160Mobile/Manufactured Home (regardless of Land ownership)Search Leads
2 weeksSAN MIGUEL, CA$668,07820051,8421Mobile/Manufactured Home (regardless of Land ownership)Search Leads
2 monthsLOS OSOS, CA$702,19419859501Single Family ResidentialGravel/RockSearch Leads

Lead Age: 2 weeks
Location: LOS OSOS, CA
Home Value: $747,142
Beds: 1
Bath: 1
Year Built: 1967
Square Feet: 720
Utility Bill:
Utility Provider:
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 2 weeks
Home Value: $744,100
Beds: 3
Bath: 1
Year Built: 1958
Square Feet: 986
Utility Bill:
Utility Provider:
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 2 weeks
Location: CAMBRIA, CA
Home Value: $924,446
Beds: 3
Bath: 2
Year Built: 1963
Square Feet: 1,002
Utility Bill:
Utility Provider:
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 2 weeks
Location: MORRO BAY, CA
Home Value: $955,761
Beds: 2
Bath: 3
Year Built: 1972
Square Feet: 1,673
Utility Bill:
Utility Provider:
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 2 weeks
Location: NIPOMO, CA
Home Value: $735,590
Beds: 4
Bath: 3
Year Built: 1974
Square Feet: 1,855
Utility Bill:
Utility Provider:
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 2 weeks
Location: NIPOMO, CA
Home Value: $501,485
Beds: 3
Bath: 2
Year Built: 1963
Square Feet: 1,140
Utility Bill:
Utility Provider:
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 2 weeks
Home Value: $644,296
Beds: 1
Bath: 1
Year Built: 1918
Square Feet: 895
Utility Bill:
Utility Provider:
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 2 weeks
Home Value: $2,181,116
Square Feet: 0
Utility Bill:
Utility Provider:
Home Type: Mobile/Manufactured Home (regardless of Land ownership)
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 2 weeks
Location: SAN MIGUEL, CA
Home Value: $668,078
Beds: 3
Bath: 2
Year Built: 2005
Square Feet: 1,842
Utility Bill:
Utility Provider:
Home Type: Mobile/Manufactured Home (regardless of Land ownership)
Roof Material:

Lead Age: 2 months
Location: LOS OSOS, CA
Home Value: $702,194
Beds: 2
Bath: 1
Year Built: 1985
Square Feet: 950
Utility Bill:
Utility Provider:
Home Type: Single Family Residential
Roof Material: Gravel/Rock

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Frequenty Asked Questions About Solar Leads in San Luis Obispo County

What cities in San Luis Obispo County does Leads Direct offer Solar Leads in?

Leads Direct offers Solar Leads in every city in San Luis Obispo County, California

How fresh are the San Luis Obispo County, California Solar Leads ?

San Luis Obispo County, California Solar Leads are posted 24 hours a day, 7 days per week in real time. For example, when a consumer clicks "submit" on one of our, (or our partner) web pages, the leads are instantly entered into the database. We age the leads on a 24 clock, (not a business day), so a lead that is "new today" will labeled that way until the 24th hour after it was posted.

How are the San Luis Obispo County Solar Leads generated?

San Luis Obispo County Solar Leads are sourced from our network of web sites as well as through outside affiliates, or via consignment from other lead aggregation web sites. All our leads are consumer contributed internet Solar Leads that include email and phone number 100% of the time.

What kind of closing ratio should I expect?

Closing rate is heavily dependent on the person doing the closing! That said, our clients report back that 10-20% of the leads we provide result in sales in the short term.
Some tips for closers: Call the consumer quickly. Be persistent. Use a leads management system whenever possible, If you haven't gotten in touch with the consumer, put the lead in your tickle file to call in 3 or 4 weeks. Aged leads sometimes close better than new!
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